Tag Archives: email forwards

A Humble Request

Here’s my humble request: Please keep your political email forwards to yourself. 

Nobody checks their email in hopes of being convinced about how they will vote in an upcoming election. No one goes to their inbox in order to come away with more outrage about some political happening in the world. People do not get their political worldviews from email forwards.

Extreme political emails have little to do with the desire to increase conversation; rather they are about fueling anxiety, anger and division. They are about stereotyping, denigrating and humiliating others. Simply put, rhetoric-laced emails are not helpful.

So here’s a humble recommendation for this next election cycle. DO read, study and be involved in conversation that includes both sides of the issues. DO select a candidate based on your judgment, values and beliefs. DON’T be an amplifier of hatred, fear and division. DON’T allow politics to trump loving others as Christ loved us.

And when it comes to those unhelpful charged emails: There’s a button right next to the forward button called “delete.” Use that one instead.


Posted by on June 20, 2012 in Uncategorized


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